Above: The M-3 Stuart pre paint. The extra details I added include a box in the rear for extra Jerrycans
of water, extra tools, a rack on the rear deck for equipment, handle bars on the turret top and more.
Above: Both vehicles have been painted, and the scout car has been dark washed.
Above: The cockpit of the P-40 has been extensively modified. Still to be added is the pilot's harness and
final details.
Above: The Daimler scout car pre paint. Interior details have been added, as well as a rack and extra tools
on the outside.
Above and below: The completed Allison engine of the P-40. Hoses and other details have been added to super
detail the engine. The original exhausts have been cut off, and metal tubing added as replacements. I find this easier and
more realistic then trying to hollow out the original pipes.