Above: Relaxing with a cigarette on the turret of his Panzer II, this German tanker converses with his comrades.
It is the summer of 1941, and this soldier's demeanour reflects the confidence of the Wehrmacht prevalent at this point in
the war.
Above: German crewmen of a Czech built Pz38T survey the road ahead. The kit is from Italieri. Hundreds of
these Czech built tanks spearheaded the German advance into Russia during 1941. They were rugged, dependable, and had adequate
firepower for the period.
Above: An overall view of the Panzer II, showing the commander scanning the horizon while standing on the
rear deck. His headset is held in his right hand.
Above: At the head of the armored column, a Sd.Kfz.265 Command Tank 1B pauses during the advance into Russia.
The kit is an Italieri 1/35 armor series. This command tank used the chassis of a 1938 model Pz. Kpfw. 1B and was altered
for command use. Two radios were added, and the original turret removed and replaced by an armored cabin with a single 7.92mm
machine gun. It was used in the Polish campaign, as well as in Russia, France and North Africa. By 1943, the tank's limited
speed and armor relegated it to secondary duties and garrison duty. Note the Nazi flag drapped over the rear deck as a recognition
signal against attack by friendly air forces. The tank interior is painted white. Tank interiors are usually painted a light
color to get as much reflection from the available interior lighting as possible.
Left: A soldier walks past the Panzer 38T. He wears a camoulflaged jacket and has his helmet off, showing
his blond, well parted hair.