Above: The completed first stage, with the base and model. The original roof of the cab has been tossed,
and a new one built with metal framing, sheet plastic and a tissue paper top over the plastic. Wet the tissue in a solution
of white glue and water. Carefully drap in place. When dry, snip or razor cut any excess, then paint it, dry brush it,
weather with pastels...and you're done! The trees are held by clamps as I play with their positioning. Originally, the model
was moving away from the front, and there was to be no building. Things changed.
Above: The completed first stage of the house. Extra walls are in place, and rudimentary roofworks have been
added. At this stage, I am experimenting with wall colors and textures.
Above: The house in a preliminary stage. My son originally made this house from a Verlinden kit, and above
is how I got it from him. Unbelievable for a 12 year old. The walls were badly nicked from sitting in the workshop for
so long, so I filled them in with wood filler and started to recolor the house. The brick walls are first painted grey-brown,
the color of the mortar. I then go over the raised bricks with colored oil pastels in a light sweeping motion, being careful
not to press hard enough to color the cracks, leaving the mortar color intact. I then touch up with paint, randomly off
coloring several bricks, and then coat the whole works with dull coat. Pastels add the final smoke marks and weathering.