Above, right and above right: The venerable Dauntless SBD
is the subject of my first round diorama. I have always named my aircraft and tanks after a close friend or family. This aircraft
is named after my company GM, Trish. Her lucky number is the plane number, and the serial number is her birthday. Her husband
Tim is napping under the tree. The groundwork is Celluclay, the tree trunk is cardboard tubing, and the bark is done by ripping
up strips of paper towel, dunking them into a solution of water and white glue, and wrapping them in a spiral around the tree.
Once dry, the edges of the paper towel are slightly lifted with an exacto knife, giving the effect so often seen on palms
in the South Pacific. The branches and leaves are cut from a silk plant.
Above: A rear view of the SBD, showing the open dive flaps and the faded fabric of the control surfaces.
Above: A close up of the aircraft dedication. Tim's name is under the canopy slide as the pilot.
Left and above: The open engine compartment of the SBD. All the details are scratchbuilt. On the next page,
you will see the before/after pictures. This model is an old Matchbox kit that I have had for years. The engine and cockpit
detailing took about 30-40 hours. The original kit was very poorly detailed. The "super detailing" here was done with thin
sheet plastic, thin wiring, spare parts and metal jewelry parts.
Above: A close up of the crew compartment, showing the twin machine gun mount.